At Big Oak Nursery, our family also has livestock. Not knowing which kind of tree to plant in your pasture can have expensive and heartbreaking implications! Do you want a fast growing shade tree for your animals to use as a respite from the heat? Would a drought resistant tree be more ideal for your pasture? How about a tree that is non-toxic to your livestock? We invite you to use our helpful list and Resource Sheet to assist you in your decision making. For assistance with figuring out which Pasture Safe Tree is right for your property and livestock in the Elk Grove, California area, please visit our locally owned business and chat with one of our Team Members!
Big Oak Nursery's Pasture Safe Tree Guide For Zone 9b

BETULA (Birch) - deciduous tree, full sun, regular water B. jacquemontii - tall, narrow, grows about 2' a year to 40' then eventually to 60' tall and 30 wide B. nigra - very fast growth in early years, becomes a pyramidal tree 50-90' tall, 40-60' wide, trunk often forks near ground, but can be trained to a single stem B.pendula - upright main branches, weeping side branches, average mature tree is 30-40' tall, spreading to half its height, glossy, rich green leaves to 2.5" long are diamond shaped, with a slender, tapered point
CALLISTEMON (Bottlebrush tree) - evergreen tree, full sun, moderate to regular water, fast growing with colorful flowers carried in dense spikes or round clusters of bristlelike stamen, very little routine pruning needed, attracts hummingbirds
CELTIS (Hackberry) - deciduous, full sun or partial shade. moderate water, deep rooted leaves turn yellow in fall, exceptionally tough, tolerates strong winds, desert heat and dry soils
CRATAEGUS (Hawthorn) - deciduous, lull sun, moderate water, clusters of pretty, typically white flowers after leafout in spring and for showy fruit resembling tiny apples in summer and fall, sometimes winter typically multitrunked, with thorny branches that need some pruning to thin out excess twiggy growth
GLEDITSIA (Honey locust) - deciduous, full sun, moderate to regular water, fast growing to 35-70' tall and 25-35' wide with upright! trunk and spreading, arching branches, bright green, fernlike leaves to 10" long are divided into many oval leaflets, leaves turn yellow before dropping early in autumn
LIRIODENDRON (Tulip tree) - deciduous, full sun, regular water, fast growth to 60-80', with eventual spread to 40', straight, columnar trunk, with spreading, rising branches that form a tall, pyramidal crown, foliage turns from bright yellow green to bright yellow in fall
MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA - evergreen, full sun or partial shade, regular water up to 80' tall and 60' wide, pure white, large, powerfully fragrant blooms, glossy, leathery leaves
MORUS (Mulberry tree) - deciduous, full sun, regular water, moderate water once established , bright green, lobed leaves, make excellent shade trees, 20-60' tall, heavy surface roots
NYSSA SYLVATICA (Black tupelo, tupelo, blackgum) - deciduous, full sun or partial shade. moderate to regular water, slow to moderate growth to 30-50' or taller, 15-25' wide, pyramidal when young, glossy dark green, 2-5" long leaves emerge rather late in spring, excellent shade tree
PLANTANUS (Sycamore) - deciduous. full sun, moderate to regular water, fast growing, large leaves for maximum shade, fall foliage color is yellowish to brown, ballshaped brown seed clusters
Aesculus glabra (Buckeye)
Aesculus hlppocastanum (Horse chestnut)
Acer rubrum (Red maples)
Acer saccharum (Sugar maples)
Acer saccharinum (Silver maples)
Elaeagnus anguslifolia (Russian olive)
Juglans (Walnut)
Juniperus (Juniper)
Nerium (Oleander)
Pinus (Pines)
Prunus family
Quercus (Oaks)
Robinia pseudoacacia (Black locust)
Taxus (Yew)
Tsuga (Hemlocks)